Common triggers of rosacea flare-ups

Finca Skin Organics common triggers of rosacea flare ups  subtype 1 rosacea subtype 2
There are many factors that contribute to facial redness and rosacea flare-ups.
As rosacea sufferers, it’s a battle we fight every day, trying to reduce the likelihood of them occurring. When it feels like you’re doing all you can to keep your rosacea at bay, sometimes you may still experience a flare-up, which leaves you feeling fed up and hopeless.

There are many factors that contribute to facial redness and rosacea flare-ups.
Simple things like what you eat, temperature, exercise, your skincare routine, and stress can all play a part. These factors are called triggers and once you know your personal triggers you’re one step closer to controlling your rosacea.

Even once you know what your triggers are, outbreaks can be unavoidable. 
Here at Finca Skin Organics, we understand this, I myself suffer from subtype 1 rosacea but I have it under control using my own plant-based products. 


Some foods are known for their contribution to rosacea and facial redness while sometimes specific foods can be a trigger to certain people and not for others.
The best way to know for sure what to avoid is by keeping a personal food diary so you can look back after a flare-up and determine if something you have eaten could be to blame.
  • Spice:
    Spicy foods, in particular, should be avoided. A recent study found that 49% of people with rosacea reacted to Mexican food while 33% reacted to Indian.Like with spicy foods, hot food causes the blood vessels to dilate due to the high temperatures, which in turn can cause facial redness.Eating cooler meals or serving your food at a lower temperature can help to combat this.
  • Sugar:

    Foods containing high amounts of sugar or carbohydrates can also be known to worsen rosacea symptoms. Switching to foods with a higher fiber content such as wholegrain foods, fruit, and vegetables can often be helpful.

Other foods that have been widely reported to cause rosacea flares include: yogurts, cheese, chocolate, avocados, vanilla, and citrus fruits.


Yes, unfortunately, this is a big one. Certain alcoholic drinks are known to cause facial redness and pain. Don’t worry it’s not all doom and gloom, you don’t need to cut out alcohol entirely, but just remember that moderation is key and know which drinks are most likely to cause trouble. Find out more in our alcohol and rosacea blog here. 


High-intensity exercise can be difficult for people with rosacea as it causes the skin to flare up. By reducing the intensity and doing smaller exercises more often will help lessen the chances of experiencing a flare-up.
When exercising, try to keep a cool towel around your neck, and drink plenty of water preferably with ice throughout the session to keep you both cool and hydrated.


This one can be a catch 22, your rosacea can be caused by stress, or on the other hand, you may be stressed because of your rosacea; causing it to worsen.
Chatting to people who also suffer with rosacea (1 in 10 Irish people) is a great way to not feel alone with the condition. You will also gain tips and advice from others on how they manage their rosacea.
Eating right and sleeping properly will keep your mind healthy and focused.
While light exercise will also help you relieve some stress, something as simple as a brisk walk can clear your head!

Skincare routine

Your skincare routine plays a vital part in keeping your rosacea calm.
Targeting your skin from the inside out is important, but if you’re putting certain topical ingredients on your face, this can undo all of your good work.
Certain ingredients are a big no-no for rosacea and should always be avoided.

Skincare ingredients to avoid with rosacea 

  • Essential oils (for subtype 1 rosacea)
  • Alcohol
  • Witch hazel
  • Menthol
  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Fragrances
  • Perfumes

Any product containing an artificial fragrance or essential oils should be avoided. As rosacea skin is sensitive it is also wise to avoid abrasive exfoliation. Always check the packaging of your cosmetics, creams, fragrances, wipes, sunscreens, serums, etc. The general rule is fewer ingredients, the better.

Learn about your particular rosacea subtype, as there are certain ingredients that are good for some forms of rosacea but not for others e.g. Tea Tree oil.

The entire Finca Skin Organics range has been specifically formulated for sensitive skin including rosacea. After using our products, 87% felt the appearance of their skin improved significantly after using our products and 100% said their skin felt more comfortable*. We only use minimal, plant-based ingredients to avoid any further irritation to your skin. 

With love from Ireland,

*Clinical evaluation by Harley St. dermatologists on 23 subjects after 8 weeks of use.

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